Early Childhood Education

Early Childhood Education program at The Village Temple in New York City

Bim Bam Shabbat

Bim Bam Shabbat is a very special interactive musical Shabbat Program for children, ages 5 and younger and their families. These half-hour long monthly musical celebrations are filled with Shabbat-themed songs and stories. Young children and their families enjoy playing musical instruments, clapping and dancing to our favorite Shabbat tunes! 

Parparim – Preschool Class

Our interactive and fun journey through Jewish Holidays for kids, ages 3-4 is usually held on the first Sunday each month from September through May at 9:30-10:45 AM. Parents are welcome to participate with their children. Contact for information

Pre-K and Kindergarten

In Pre-K and Kindergarten children, ages 4 – 5 are introduced to Jewish holidays through celebrations, stories, songs, art, food, music and creative hands-on special projects. Pre-K and Kindergarten classes meet twice each month on Sundays at 9:00-10:45AM.

For more information about any of our Early Childhood and Religious School programs, please contact Alex Tansky, R.J.E., Director of Education, at 212.674.2340, ext. 308