

The Village Temple is a place for kesher – connection. It is a home for contemporary Reform Jews who are seeking connections to Torah and the search for spiritual fulfillment, links between past and present and one generation to the next, finding balance between our daily lives and the “turn off your cellphone” respite of Shabbat. 

We invite all who wish to join us to enter our doors: Jews by birth, Jews by choice, interfaith families, single parent families, same sex families and non-traditional families of all kinds. Inside you will find a community of people who are on a quest to reshape Shabbat and holiday worship, reinvigorate Jewish learning, and renew our commitment to tikkun olam. For further information on Village Temple programs, please contact the office at 212-674-2340 ext 303.

MEMBERSHIP DUES for the fiscal year 2024-2025 are as follows: 

  • Family (married couple/domestic partnership, with or without children): $3,340

  • Single Adult with child/children: $2,300

  • Single Adult (unmarried, divorced or widowed): $1,925

  • Young Associate (ages 18-30): $825

  • Out of town membership: $1,235

  • Introductory Membership (first time member with child in 1st or 2nd​ grade): Free

Village Temple annual membership is based upon our fiscal year -- July 1 - June 30.

SECURITY FEE (required for all members)
$376 per family.

$2,000 payable over four years in $500 annual increments: to start in the second year of membership

Registration fees for the fiscal year 2024-2025, payment due by September 1, 2024:

  • Pre-Kindergarten / Kindergarten: $1,200

  • Grades 1 through Grade 4: $1,515

  • Grades 5 through Grade 7: $2,100

  • Discount for siblings (each): $100

  • B’nai Mitzvah Training Fee: $2,250

  • Madrich/Confirmation: $1,100

Village Temple membership is required for enrollment in our Religious School (except for Pre-k/Kindergarten). Religious school tuition is due by September 1, 2023 unless a special arrangement has been made with Sandy Albert.

Community Circle $600—to underwrite membership dues for congregants who require assistance

Requests for special arrangements must be submitted to the Financial Secretary on an annual basis. All special dues/tuition arrangements must be approved in writing, and on an annual basis. All information shared will be treated confidentially.

A Family membership unit will receive two tickets for High Holy Days services. Single Adult (with or without children), Young Associate and Out of Town membership units will receive one ticket. All children who are living at home with Family or Single Adult members may attend High Holy Day services without tickets. High Holy Days tickets will only be distributed to members in good standing, which requires payment in full of all dues on or by 2 weeks prior to Rosh Hashanah in a given fiscal year, or alternative special arrangements made. Additional tickets are available through the Temple office.